'use strict';

var util = require('util');


Marker class for errors that have been identified as known errors communicating with the API. You should not instantiate these directly.

function IdentifiedApiError(){}
util.inherits(IdentifiedApiError, Error);


Creates a new ApiHttpError supplied to callbacks when an error response is received at transport level.

function ApiHttpError(statusCode, response, message) {
	this.name = "ApiHttpError";
	this.statusCode = statusCode;
	this.response = response;
	this.message = message || response
		|| util.format('Unexpected %s status code', statusCode);

	if (Error.captureStackTrace
		&& typeof Error.captureStackTrace === 'function') {
		Error.captureStackTrace(this, ApiHttpError);

util.inherits(ApiHttpError, IdentifiedApiError);


Creates a new ApiParseError supplied to callbacks when an invalid or unexpected response is received.

function ApiParseError(parseErrorMessage, response) {
	this.name = "ApiParseError";
	this.response = response;
	this.message = parseErrorMessage;

	if (Error.captureStackTrace
		&& typeof Error.captureStackTrace === 'function') {
		Error.captureStackTrace(this, ApiParseError);

util.inherits(ApiParseError, IdentifiedApiError);


Creates a new ApiError supplied to callbacks when a valid error response is received.

function OAuthError(errorResponse, message) {
	this.name = "OAuthError";
	this.message = message || errorResponse.errorMessage;
	this.code = errorResponse.code;
	this.response = errorResponse;

	if (Error.captureStackTrace
		&& typeof Error.captureStackTrace === 'function') {
		Error.captureStackTrace(this, OAuthError);

util.inherits(OAuthError, IdentifiedApiError);


Creates a new ApiError supplied to callbacks when a valid error response is received.

function ApiError(errorResponse, message) {
	this.name = "ApiError";
	this.message = message || errorResponse.errorMessage;
	this.code = errorResponse.code;
	this.response = errorResponse;

	if (Error.captureStackTrace
		&& typeof Error.captureStackTrace === 'function') {
		Error.captureStackTrace(this, ApiError);

util.inherits(ApiError, IdentifiedApiError);

module.exports = {
	ApiHttpError: ApiHttpError,
	ApiParseError: ApiParseError,
	OAuthError: OAuthError,
	ApiError: ApiError,
	IdentifiedApiError: IdentifiedApiError