'use strict';
var _ = require('lodash');
var helpers = require('./helpers');
var responseParser = require('./responseparser');
var request = require('./request');
A resource on the API, instances of this are used as the prototype of instances of each API resource. This constructor will build up a method for each action that can be performed on the resource.
The options
argument should have the following properties:
- the definition of the resource and its actions from
the schema definition.consumerkey
- the oauth consumerkeyconsumersecret
the oauth consumersecretschema
- the schema defintionformat
- the desired response formatlogger
- for logging outputfunction Resource(options, schema) {
this.logger = options.logger;
this.resourceName = options.resourceDefinition.resource;
this.host = options.resourceDefinition.host || schema.host;
this.sslHost = options.resourceDefinition.sslHost || schema.sslHost;
this.port = options.resourceDefinition.port || schema.port;
this.prefix = options.resourceDefinition.prefix || schema.prefix;
this.consumerkey = options.consumerkey;
this.consumersecret = options.consumersecret;
this.logger.silly('Creating constructor for resource: ' +
function processAction(action) {
this.createAction(action, options.userManagement);
}, this);
Figure out the appropriate method name for an action on a resource on the API
Resource.prototype.chooseMethodName = function (actionDefinition) {
var fnName;
Default the action name to getXXX if we only have the URL slug as the action definition.
if (_.isString(actionDefinition)) {
fnName = 'get' + helpers.capitalize(actionDefinition);
} else {
fnName = actionDefinition.methodName;
return fnName;
Utility method for creating the necessary methods on the Resource for dispatching the request to the 7digital API.
Resource.prototype.createAction = function (actionDefinition, isManaged) {
var url;
var fnName = this.chooseMethodName(actionDefinition);
var action = typeof actionDefinition.apiCall === 'undefined' ?
actionDefinition : actionDefinition.apiCall;
var httpMethod = (actionDefinition.method || 'GET').toUpperCase();
var host = actionDefinition.host || this.host;
var sslHost = actionDefinition.sslHost || this.sslHost;
var port = actionDefinition.port || this.port;
var prefix = actionDefinition.prefix || this.prefix;
var authType = (actionDefinition.oauth
&& actionDefinition.oauth === '3-legged' && isManaged)
? '2-legged'
: actionDefinition.oauth;
this.logger.silly('Creating method: ' + fnName + ' for ' + action +
' action with ' + httpMethod + ' HTTP verb');
/*jshint validthis: true */
function invokeAction(requestData, callback) {
var self = this;
var endpointInfo = {
host: invokeAction.host,
sslHost: invokeAction.sslHost || sslHost,
port: invokeAction.port,
prefix: invokeAction.prefix,
authtype: authType,
url: helpers.formatPath(invokeAction.prefix, this.resourceName,
var credentials = {
consumerkey: this.consumerkey,
consumersecret: this.consumersecret
if (_.isFunction(requestData)) {
callback = requestData;
requestData = {};
function checkAndParse(err, data, response) {
if (err) {
return callback(err);
return responseParser.parse(data, {
format: self.format,
logger: self.logger,
url: endpointInfo.url,
params: requestData,
contentType: response.headers['content-type']
}, getLocationForRedirectsAndCallback);
function getLocationForRedirectsAndCallback(err, parsed) {
if (err) {
return callback(err);
if (response && response.headers['location']) {
parsed.location = response.headers['location'];
return callback(null, parsed);
_.defaults(requestData, this.defaultParams);
if (httpMethod === 'GET') {
Add the default parameters to the request data
return request.get(endpointInfo, requestData, this.headers,
credentials, this.logger, checkAndParse);
if (httpMethod === 'POST' || httpMethod === 'PUT') {
return request.postOrPut(httpMethod, endpointInfo, requestData,
this.headers, credentials, this.logger, checkAndParse);
return callback(new Error('Unsupported HTTP verb: ' + httpMethod));
invokeAction.action = action;
invokeAction.authtype = authType;
invokeAction.host = host;
invokeAction.sslHost = sslHost;
invokeAction.port = port;
invokeAction.prefix = prefix;
this[fnName] = invokeAction;
module.exports = Resource;